“They Look at Themselves and Say: “Well, Okay…””: The Contribution of Video to Professional Identity Development

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Anne-Mette Nortvig


This paper focuses on the development of professional identity by the use of video technology. On the basis of empirical material from a professional bachelor’s e-learning programme, it is argued that the use of video can contribute to reflection of professional identity through its opportunities for visual reification of the professional “Me”: while acting in profession-like settings, the students experience their professional actions from an inside “I”-perspective, but while watching themselves on the video recording of it later on, they can see, reflect and evaluate their professional “Me” from an outside perspective in the role of the professional other. 


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Nortvig, A.-M. (2017). “They Look at Themselves and Say: “Well, Okay…””: The Contribution of Video to Professional Identity Development. Journal of Teaching and Learning With Technology, 6(1), 1–14. https://doi.org/10.14434/jotlt.v6.n1.19770


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